Welcome to my blog, I'm prettytan. karchi 加七, today I'm going to use english to introduce about Atomy compensation plan.
First of all, you can check out this video or article to learning more about the Atomy company introduction.
One question for you guys why Atomy?
1. No fees
2. No obligations
3. Unlimited level and Accumulation of PV
4. One global ID
How does Atomy work? Atomy work on voluntary consumer reordering.
Residual income: You are continuing to be compensated even after the work is already completed.
Warren Buffett: If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die.
Global Network with Binary system
Atomy work on this Binary system and that means that we have two lines, you have a left groud or A group and then you have a right group or B group. And just like you have to have two legs to walk properly. Atomy you have to have two legs, two strong legs that are of equal power to be able to wok or to be able to survive in this company. So you have yourself your head. If you wanted to join a member at your atomy business, once someone is in the company doesn't mean necessarily that they are doing out of me as a business, because we are wholesale Club in order to get the low membersip pricing, you do have to be a member and so the membership is free.
Let's say you wanted to sign your mother that's on your left side so once you sign one person up you're going to give them your sponsor ID. So my mom automatically default to my lelf side. After that I sign my friend up so my line automatically spilts into two so now I have a left side and a right side that's how we balance. Then the third person you're going to sign up and you should give the person the sponsor ID number of the last person who joined on your left side.
How Atomy works?
Atomy works in upside down triangle and we have what we call a cap or a limit, it's your daily limit that you can make, no one can make more than that. Well that amount is $50,000 a month and the extra money will go into a surplus commission which then comes down into a larger Commission pool and that money is paid back to people like you and I who are just starting in our business.
There's two ways to get paid in atomy which is general commission and that represents 44% of the income being made in the company, and then we have our mastership bonuses and this represents 20% of the income.
*Compensation Plan:The Well-Balanced, Righteous Compensation Plan shows the Company's Vision for Success of All Atomy Members.
Dealership: Atomy members are classified into 5 different types of dealership, according to the total purchased volume and commission level received from the company.
General Commission: 44% of entire sales PV will be distributed between qualified members every week according to the rates. Individuals must first accumulate at least 10,000 PV in order to accumulate downline PVs. We count the points that you earned daily from Wednesday to the following Tuesday, and the payment will be disbursed on the next Tuesday.
Any points you order under your ID goes towards your personal PV, the PV against point value goes towards your personal points. Once you get to 10 thousand points you are qualified to make money. How did you get paid?
Getting paid is merely based off of your group purchases your left and right side. Once you have 300 thousand points on your left and right side, you're going to paid about 5 points. The next step is your points are at thirty thousand those are your personal points as well as your left and right side both hitting 300 thousand you're getting paid about 15 points. Once you get paid and your both side points will go back to zero and you're gonna start over but your personal points will forever continue to accumulate and add up. The other thing that you want to note that your left or right side wait for the lower/smaller side to hit that 300 thousand so you can get paid before the points go away.
Masters' Bonus: 20% of entire sales PV will be distributed according to mastership. Point accumulation period: 1st - 15th, 16th - end of month. Masters’ Bonus for 1st period will be paid on the 22nd and 2nd period will be paid on 7th of each month.
1. Sales Master
This is the second way we are able to get paid and one of the coolest things is that this is 20%of the income being made in the company. So 10% or half goes just to the sales masters which is the first level of mastership plan. As a sales master your personal point have to be at 700 thousand and then your lerf & right group both have hit 2.5milion PV. Well this has to be done in a challenge, there's two challenges we have the 1st through the 15th and the 16th through the end of the month. So within a two-week period you hit the 2.5million on your left & right side, you automatically get promoted to sales master and with that you get a Atomy Skin Care System THE FAME 1 Set, HemoHIM 1 Set, Evening Care 1 Set.
In order to acheive sales master, our CEO says once you have 50 families on your left & right side who are ordering regularly, and you should be about sales master. Maybe you're like I don't even know how hundred families?! Well you don't have to know all of those people in atomy, we really do work together as a team, so you may only know 10 people, and those 10 people are gonna know people.
2. Diamond Master
Once you start going towards Diamond master it's no longer about points, in order to hit diamond master you have to have 2 sales master on your left & right side and again this has to be done in a two-week period. As a Diamond Master the promotional bonus you'll get RM 3,600 Cash, Atomy Skin Care System THE FAME 1 set, HemoHIM 1 set, Evening Care 1 set.
3. Sharon Rose Master
Once you start going towards Sharon Rose Master you have to have 2 Diamond Master on your left & right side and again this has to be done in a two-week period. As a Diamond Master the promotional bonus you'll get RM 8,000 Cash, 2 Travel Tickets.
4. Star Master
In order to hit Star Master you have to have 2 Sharon Rose Master on your left & right side and again this has to be done in a two-week period. As a Star Master the promotional bonus you'll get RM 40,000 Cash, 4 Travel Tickets.
5. Royal Master
In order to hit Royal Master you have to have 2 Star Master on your left & right side and again this has to be done in a two-week period. As a Royal Master the promotional bonus you'll get RM 200,000 Cash, RM 8,000 Credit per month, Car rental fee, 4 Travel Tickets (10 nights & 11 days).
6. Crown Master
In order to hit Crown Master you have to have 2 Royal Master on your left & right side and again this has to be done in a two-week period. As a Crown Master the promotional bonus you'll get RM 1,200,000 Cash, RM 20,000 Credit per month, a Luxury car, 4 Travel Tickets (10 nights & 11 days).
7. Imperial Master
In order to hit Imperial Master you have to have 2 Crown Master on your left & right side and again this has to be done in a two-week period. As a mperial Master the promotional bonus you'll get RM 4 Million Cash, RM 40,000 Credit per month, a Luxury car, an Office of Approx. 1,700 sq. with a Personal Assistant, a Driver, 4 Travel Tickets (10 nights & 11 days).
Education Commission (Center Commission):6% of a Center’s total PV is paid to the applicable Center to cover operational expenses.
※ The total amount of commission to members cannot exceed 35% of total sales income. All calculation of commissions and bonus are automatically set to this limit.
If you have any question please leave them in the comments below. Thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time.
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